

mfpg-logo-v4-300-blueMEDIA FOR THE PUBLIC GOOD (MFPG) creates original journalism from underrepresented points of view and dealing with underrepresented issues.  The often superficial journalism of the mainstream media tends to cover events, not issues.  This leaves a void that MFPG works to fill.

MFPG’s programming is distributed to the public through a combination of traditional and new media.  It is available on public radio, online through our web site, a repository of high quality issue-based programming, and on a number of podcast platforms.  As we develop partnerships with other organizations, our programming will also be available through the online presences of these partnering organizations.  MFPG's programs are in the permanent collection of the American Archive of Public Broadcasting, a collaboration between the Library of Congress and public broadcaster WGBH in Boston.

Since 2011, MFPG's efforts have focused on the creation of OutCasting, public radio's groundbreaking LGBTQ youth program, and related programming.  Future programming endeavors will focus on other social justice issues.

MFPG is an outgrowth of Hudson Valley Community Radio, Inc., a non-profit organization that for many years owned and operated WDFH FM 90.3, the only public radio station in New York’s lower Hudson River valley.  In 2013, HVCR divested itself of the WDFH broadcast license and refocused its attention into what has become MFPG.  This enables MFPG to focus more intently on production of programming while reaching a much larger audience than was possible running a local public radio station.  MFPG is an independent public media producer based in New York.  It is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organziation.


Read about MFPG's people »


LGBTQ+ issues seen from the rarely heard perspectives of LGBTQ youth and straight allies — not by and for LGBTQ youth, but by LGBTQ youth and straight allies and for anyone who wants to better understand LGBTQ issues — parents, grandparents, kids, relatives, straight, LGBTQ, everyone!

OutCasting »
In-depth coverage of LGBTQ issues, featuring discussions with highly authoritative experts and people with compelling stories

OutCasting Overtime »
Working extra hard to bring you commentaries, discussions, and perspectives from our youth participants

OutCasting Off the Clock »
Having fun with the Ga[y]me Show, extra commentaries, and other behind-the scenes stuff

Podcasts »
Find OutCasting wherever you get your podcasts


Thanks to our partners and supporters!


oc-logo-for-round-stupid-facebook-1144x1144-minion copyOur groundbreaking LGBTQ youth program, nationally distributed on the Pacifica Radio Network, all major podcast sites, and here at MFPG.org.

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Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and YouTube@outcastingmedia is on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.  Please join us and tell your friends!

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support-banner-100pxAs a nonprofit, we rely on individual donations and foundation and corporate grants.

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